WW3 ALERT: Israel Declares WAR on Hamas & Iran?! | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)

by | Oct 9, 2023

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer where he covers the top 5 stories over the weekend in under 10 minutes.

What an incredibly terrifying weekend as Hamas launched an intricate terrorist attack on the southern border of Israel.

Over 1,000 casualties are reported so far as the nation-state of Israel declares ware on Hamas, the controlling government of the Palestinian territories.

But how did this attack go unnoticed? How did Mossad and the CIA not see this coordinated attack from Iran before it happened? At this point, we have more questions than answers.

Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.

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Elijah Shaffer

Elijah Shaffer

In a world that fights for the wrong things, we choose to defend what’s RIGHT. Elijah works tirelessly to provide top quality political & cultural coverage to shed light on the that happens everyday in the USA.

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