Victor Reacts: They Want to Trans the Children (VIDEO)

by | Jun 27, 2024

It is officially undeniable. Contrary to the lies that we have been told countless times, the Biden regime wants to trans children.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

The Biden regime’s most senior transgender official attempted to pressure a group of medical experts to scrap the lower age limit for transgender surgeries, it has been revealed.

Admiral Rachel Levine, the transgender assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, demanded back in 2021 that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health alter its draft guidelines to allow children to access sex change surgeries before they hit puberty.

At the time of Levine’s demands, the WPATH recommended age minimums of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation, and 17 for genital surgeries.

Yet according to court filings in Alabama, where transgender advocates are challenging a ban on child sex changes, Levine pressured doctors to change their guidance to allow pre-pubescent children to get irreversible mutilations.

Children cannot consent. Such a common sense reality would seem to be universally understood. Unfortunately we live in a world where collective insanity has been allowed to spread like wildfire and penetrate the highest levels of our government.


The post Victor Reacts: They Want to Trans the Children (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Victor Nieves

Victor Nieves

Victor is a political scientist having earned his degree from the University of Central Missouri. He has spent countless hours studying the documents of our founding and what made America great. Victor has years of political experience involving campaign work, speaking, and leadership roles within grassroots political groups. At 23 years old Victor is an old soul who wants to return America to its constitutional outline and Christian moral worldview.

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