Victor Reacts: The American People Stand with Trump Fulfilling His Mandate (VIDEO)

by | Jan 26, 2025

Donald Trump is doing exactly what the American people sent him to Washington to do. Despite the frivolous cries of the left, his approval ratings show that the people have his back.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have shown a remarkable improvement since his first term, reaching historic levels at the start of his second term.

Recent surveys show a notable rise in President Trump’s approval ratings, reaching their highest point since he first assumed office in January 2017.

Trump is the first president to have a higher net approval rating in the first month of his second term than at any point during his entire first term, according to Fox News.

A survey conducted by RMG Research/Napolitan Institute between January 20 and 23, 2025, reports an approval rating of 57% and a disapproval rating of 39%, marking his highest numbers in years.

Other polls also reflect this upward trend, though with varying figures.

An Echelon Insights poll from January 22 to 24, 2025, shows a 51% approval and 43% disapproval rating.

President Trump has a +14 approval ratingin the latest Quantus Insights poll.

Quantus Insights/TrendingPolitics, reports an approval rating of 54%, with a relatively low disapproval rate of 40%.

Insider Advantage has Trump at a 56-39 approval spread. This is a +17 spread.

Similarly, the Big Data Poll/Public Polling Project reports a 56% approval rating among registered voters, with disapproval at just 37%.

It’s amazing how having a president who loves the country lifts the spirits of the American people.

This is Trump’s first week. He’s just getting started.

The fake outrage and slanderous name-calling from the left has lost its sting. The more that these out of touch liberals cry the more obvious it is that they represent the opposite of what the voters want. 

The Democrats are digging their graves deeper rather than digger their way out. Attacking the president for fulfilling his mandate is attacking the very voters who gave him that mandate.                                                                                        

The post Victor Reacts: The American People Stand with Trump Fulfilling His Mandate (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Victor Nieves

Victor Nieves

Victor is a political scientist having earned his degree from the University of Central Missouri. He has spent countless hours studying the documents of our founding and what made America great. Victor has years of political experience involving campaign work, speaking, and leadership roles within grassroots political groups. At 23 years old Victor is an old soul who wants to return America to its constitutional outline and Christian moral worldview.

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