Victor Reacts: Joe Biden Once Again Threatens Americans with F-16 Fighter Jets, Mocks Thomas Jefferson (VIDEO)

by | Jan 20, 2024

Once again Joe Biden has made it very clear that he is willing to blow up American citizens with his F-16 fighter jets.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit,

Joe Biden on Friday welcomed mayors attending the US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting to the East Room at the White House.

Biden incoherently slurred his way through a speech to the mayors. He also started shouting out of nowhere.

At one point Biden threatened millions of Trump supporters, but he bungled that too.

“I love people who say, ‘THE BLOOD OF LIBERTY.’ Or, excuse me, ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots!’ Well, guess what, man. I didn’t see a whole lot of patriots that are out there walking around making sure that we have these weapons and if you really want to worry about the government, you need an F-16! [fighter jet]”

If you ever needed to hear a compelling argument as to why we the people need to be armed to protect ourselves from all enemies foreign or domestic, it might look something like that. The president of the United States mocks the words of our founding fathers and seemingly threatens to blow us up with fighter jets.

Our founding fathers, who Biden so happily mocks, wrote the 2nd Amendment to protect us from tyrants. Now we are ruled by the very tyrants they sought to prevent.



The post Victor Reacts: Joe Biden Once Again Threatens Americans with F-16 Fighter Jets, Mocks Thomas Jefferson (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Victor Nieves

Victor Nieves

Victor is a political scientist having earned his degree from the University of Central Missouri. He has spent countless hours studying the documents of our founding and what made America great. Victor has years of political experience involving campaign work, speaking, and leadership roles within grassroots political groups. At 23 years old Victor is an old soul who wants to return America to its constitutional outline and Christian moral worldview.

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