Victor Reacts: 3 Innocent Men Acquitted in FBI’s Kidnapping Plot

by | Sep 15, 2023

As the Gateway Pundit reported, the final three men have been acquitted in the FBI’s kidnapping plot against Gretchen Whitmer.

The men had been charged with providing material support for a terrorist act and illegally possessing firearms and faced up to 20 years in prison for their alleged crimes.

The entire plot was hatched, planned, paid for, and executed by paid FBI informants. The FBI informants pushed the violent plans to kidnap Whitmer. It was all a setup. There were 6 defendants and 12 FBI informants identified as the case progressed. The FBI planned the Whitmer attack, organized the attack, paid for the attack, and recruited local men to join in their planned attack.

It was another complete setup by Chris Wray’s FBI to frame and ruin innocent men.

The post Victor Reacts: 3 Innocent Men Acquitted in FBI’s Kidnapping Plot appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Victor Nieves

Victor Nieves

Victor is a political scientist having earned his degree from the University of Central Missouri. He has spent countless hours studying the documents of our founding and what made America great. Victor has years of political experience involving campaign work, speaking, and leadership roles within grassroots political groups. At 23 years old Victor is an old soul who wants to return America to its constitutional outline and Christian moral worldview.

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