J6 Political Prisoner FREED After 4 Years and 5 Days Without Trial! | Elijah Schaffer

by | Jan 22, 2025

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer, where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the last 24 hours. 

ARTICLE 1: Just In: J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Has Been Released From Prison After 4 Years and 5 Days Without a Trial

ARTICLE 2:   Trump Announces Visit to Struggling North Carolina: ‘Abandoned by Democrats’ (VIDEO)

➤ Home Title Lock: American homeowners possess over $32 trillion in equity, making them targets for a scam known as “House Stealing,” where cyber criminals file a one-page document at the County to transfer your home’s title into their name, allowing them to take out loans or sell your property. Without monitoring, you might only discover this fraud when you receive collection or foreclosure notices, leading to significant financial and legal issues. To safeguard your equity, consider using Triple Lock Protection from Home Title Lock. Check your title status now, as most homeowners never do, which is what scammers rely on. Visit https://www.HomeTitleLock.com/GatewayPundit and use promo code ELIJAH for a free 30-day trial.

ARTICLE 3: HOW PROBLEMATIC: Ana Navarro of ‘The View’ Calls Snoop Dogg a ‘Trained Seal’ for Performing at Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

ARTICLE 4:  ONE LAST GROPE: Joe Biden Gets Handsy with Melania Trump at Inaugural – And, of course, This Was Ignored by Fake News Media

➤ Olive Oil: Olive oil can give you SOME benefits… but if you’re looking to get the BEST results, it matters a LOT which one you pick. You’re probably used to cooking with it, but there are countless ways to use olive oil to help yourself LOOK and FEEL younger. Watch the video on how YOU can do that RIGHT NOW by going to https://www.GetOlive1.com/Pundit!

ARTICLE 5:     Trump Removes John Bolton’s Secret Service Protection

Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.

The post J6 Political Prisoner FREED After 4 Years and 5 Days Without Trial! | Elijah Schaffer appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Elijah Schaffer

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