Biden’s $100 MILLION F-35 Crash Narrative CRUMBLES | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)

by | Sep 22, 2023

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer where he covers the top 5 stories over the weekend in under 10 minutes.

On Sunday afternoon, it was announced an F-35 fighter jet valued at an estimated $100 million was missing.” But the public isn’t buying the official narrative the Biden administration gave on why the pilot ejected in the first place.

“The House Judiciary Republicans sent out a letter Tuesday that includes transcribed testimony” sayingthey had so many FBI operatives in the crowd they had no idea how many were actually there that day!”

“The Gateway Pundit has obtained THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF J6 FOOTAGE from “Sedition Hunter” online crowdsourcing groups.” This has opened up new eyes on the backdoor operation to take down patriots who peacefully protested on that day.

Nancy Pelosi is caught lying when “On Tuesday Chief Steven Sund refuted Pelosi. Sund told the subcommittee he spoke with Pelosi three times on January 6 (while she was running the building with her film crew.)” This completely undermines the official narrative that Pelosi was never contacted about the need for additional security

“Los Angeles, California – An innocent 13-year-old child was savagely beaten by an unidentified woman at a California McDonald’s while witnesses recorded the incident rather than intervening to help.” Viewer discretion is advised

Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.

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Elijah Shaffer

Elijah Shaffer

In a world that fights for the wrong things, we choose to defend what’s RIGHT. Elijah works tirelessly to provide top quality political & cultural coverage to shed light on the that happens everyday in the USA.

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